The BSA just made this badge a little easier to earn. Specifically, they added requirement 4.c.
"Visit an exhibit of Scouting memorabilia or a local museum with a Scouting history gallery, or (with your parent's permission and counselor's approval) visit with someone in your council who is recognized as a dedicated Scouting historian or memorabilia collector. Learn what you can about the history of Boy Scouting. Give a short report to your counselor on what you saw and learned."
Prior to the new requirement, you either had to write or visit (in Irving, Texas) the National Scouting Museum (& give a report), or attend either a BSA national jamboree, OR world Scout jamboree, OR a national BSA high-adventure base (i.e., Philmont, The Summit, Sea Base or Northern Tier).
We have a great Scouting Museum not 1 hour from us. The Lawrence L.Lee Scouting Museum & Max I. Silber Scouting Library are located at Camp Carpenter in NH (some in the Troop have already been there as Cub Scouts).
You can read the full requirements for this merit badge here
(His sister also help form the Camp Fire Girls)