Merit Badges that are offered by Hidden Valley Scout Camp are located on page 29 of Leader's Guide
MB Prerequisites, as defined by Hidden Valley (this also give MB guidelines (for ages)
Scouts should select merit badges to fill all three merit badge blocks. Note that some badges take more than one block. Also, the Troop Committee recommends that all Scouts take at least one Eagle-required merit badge.
Partial Merit Badge Completion: If a Scout has a partial MB, and wishes to complete it Summer Camp, they do not have to reschedule the badge. They should approach Mr. Gillogly or any of the ASMs to let them know. The Troop will then arrange with the Scout to inform the appropriate Camp counselors in the first days of camp.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites are completed before attending summer camp in order to give your scout the best opportunity to complete their merit badge at camp. Some merit badges have more than others. Please review this now so that you have ample time to prepare for the merit badge class at Hidden Valley. It is highly recommended that Scouts procure Merit Badge pamphlets (available from or the local Scout shop) and read them BEFORE camp!
First Year Scouts: You will participate in the First Year Program, and also take Swimming Merit Badge. Checking the first year box is in the MB selection form is sufficient. Note: You are a first year Scout ONLY IF you crossed to Boy Scouts over this year. You do not take the first year program, unless you are a first year Scout (even if it is your first time to camp).
Older (13+) Scouts: Scouts wishing to participate in the Older Scout activities (i.e., SPOKE, COPE, & Valley Voyager) should refer to the Leader's Guide (pages 47-50)
Parents: We ask that you review the Merit Badge selection form(below) with your Scout and sign the selection form.
| Forms are due May 13 |