It is time to start mentally and physically getting yourself ready for summer camp. Here are a few tips to help you get ready and enjoy the week in the "Land made for Scouting":
- Start thinking of all the fun we will have.
- Familiarize yourself with the summer camp info on our Troop website. Basic info is here. (or http://www.troop17bsa.org – then look under the “upcoming events” menu item).
- Review yourmerit badge selections and prerequisites on the troop website.
- Get your merit badge pamphlets and WORK THOSE PREREQUISITES (it makes the badges go much easier)
- Get your gear together (check the packing lists), and pack them according to this blog post
- Get your daypack ready - it'll be with you most almost the entire time
- Start moving your diet toward drinking lots of water instead of energy drinks or soda.
- Walk to as many places as you can, so your legs get used to being up and around all the time
- If you have new shoes/ boots, start wearing them around the house to break them in (blisters are NOT your friend)
- Get yourself ready for the temperature by getting outside of the air conditioning. It's amazing how you adjust.
- Start thinking of a couple of skits, songs, stunts or stories for the many campfires we'll have.
- Get with your patrol mates, and talk about having some patrol adventures - like scaling Mt. Shannon, fishing, etc.